New Years Drinks

Nogasake drink recipe

Nogasake  recipe
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Nogasake drink recipe made with Sake,Eggnog,. How to make a Nogasake with all the instructions and ingredients.
Recipe Rating: 3.9 stars based on 38 votes
Ingredients to use:
2ozSake Sake
6ozEggnog Eggnog
Pour sake into glass. Pour eggnog into glass. Stir. Serve.
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Christmas and Holiday Drink Recipes and Cocktails
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What our users have to say about Nogasake recipe:

I'm not giving my name to a machine! said on 2012-11-11 06:59:38.667
It started out as a joke on NBC's "The Office" But they are actually quite tasty! (assuming you like both sake and eggnog) A White Russian would be a good comparison.

Behealthiers.Com said on 2020-03-19 02:00:09.770
An alcoholic drink invented on NBC s The Office . The drink consists of 1 part eggnog, three parts sake.

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